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Entire National Assembly denies their own heritage and the Constitution

MONTREAL, QUEBEC – In what the Canadian Party of Quebec is calling the most egregious display of political correctness, the National Assembly – including all sitting members of the Quebec Liberal Party – voted unanimously to reject the suggestion that Quebec would be stronger if it were officially bilingual.

The motion was presented as a result of comments made by federal Liberal MP Angelo Iacono, brought forth by Quebec’s French Language Minister, Jean-François Roberge. All members of the National Assembly, including QLP MNA’s who represent Anglo and diverse communities, voted to reject the very notion that English plays a part in Quebec’s history and heritage.

“It’s just another unanimous vote against reality and Quebec’s plural history in favour of exclusionary nationalism, supported by all our provincial parties,” said Joseph Cianflone, CaPQ BOD Member.

“It doesn’t matter if you vote for the CAQ, the QLP, QS, PQ — it’s all the same nationalist nonsense.”

According to the Canadian constitution, by which Quebec, as a Canadian province, must abide, Quebec is absolutely a bilingual province, CaPQ co-leader Colin Standish points out.

Section 133 of the Constitution states: all Quebec laws, the Assembly, courts and regulations must operate in English and French equally for these acts to be valid.

If the English-language was removed from the Quebec state, it would cease to function: No laws, no budgets, even, ironically, Bill 96 could not exist without an English version!

“Which is why I, and the party principles state, English is also an official language of Quebec. No provincial law can change that,” said Standish.

“Let’s be clear, this is not leadership worthy of public office and all of these parties are corrupted beyond repair due to the lack of honest and data-driven conversation in the francophone media about our abusive and oppressive laws.”

“It is an embarrassment to all Canadians and Quebecers, but especially the majority of Quebecers who know Canada’s proud bilingual history and bilingual rights were the work of all Patriotes. There is no conflict between being a proud Quebecer and a proud Canadian, except for the lies our politicians tell. No amount of propaganda in our schools, or reinforcement by our provincial politicians chasing populist votes over democratic principles can change that reality,” added Cianflone, a Harvard and Oxford graduate.

“What makes this province distinct is the contribution of a variety of cultures and languages. Unilingual French status is no more distinct or interesting than unilingual status anywhere. But most importantly it is simply not true, whether they like it or not, whether it is official or not, Quebec IS bilingual,” said Myrtis Fossey, CaPQ Co-Leader.

“The Liberal MNAs, who ostensibly represent predominantly English-speaking and diverse communities in the National Assembly, should be especially ashamed, having thrown their constituents under the bus once again,” Standish added.

CaPQ is calling out Liberal MNA’s Greg Kelley, Jennifer Maccarone, Désirée McGraw, Elizabeth Prass, Michelle Setlakwe, Enrico Ciccone, Monsef Derraji, André Fortin, Brigitte Garceau, and Madwa-Nika Cadet for turning their backs not just on Quebec’s history and heritage, but on the bilingual Canadian citizens who helped put them in the National Assembly.


THAT the National Assembly firmly reject all statements that Québec would be stronger as an officially bilingual State;

THAT it recall Québec’s rich history, which has been marked by bold actions taken to defend and ensure the vitality of its only official language, French;

THAT it unequivocally affirm that the strength of the Québec nation certainly does not lie in bilingualism, but rather in its distinct character, its unique culture, and its resolutely Francophone specificity.

About the CaPQ:
The Canadian Party of Quebec (CaPQ) offers a bold, forward-looking, federalist vision of Quebec to promote a renaissance to make the province a major economic, cultural, and linguistic rights hub of Canada and North America.

Contact information:
Canadian Party of Quebec - Parti canadien du Québec

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